Sunday 13 July 2014


Me and my Ricoh GR1
Yes! I will admit I am a very happy camper. Until now, I have not found any piece of gear that I feel at one with. Yes, it is a little point and shoot that was introduced by Ricoh in the late 90's. Yes, it is a film camera. Yes, it is auto focus, auto advance and has a little 28mm lens.
But, could I get this shot with a large DSLR? I could possibly get it with my mobile. And before someone starts a flame-war, I have no issues with using a mobile phone camera. Some amazing images can be had from a mobile phone camera, and some street photographers wield it to perfection. I do find my little point and shoot actually fits better into my hand, and is so much easier to use than a mobile phone. So ergonomically, it is an extension of me. I still need to iron out a few issues with usage though. But it's all a learning curve. I own this camera for about 3 months now, and I am very happy with it (sorry, I think I may have already said that)
Before I managed to buy this near mint version of the GR1, I was using amongst others, a Leica iiib, a Contax 167MT, an Olympus OM20, a Yashica Electro 35GT, an Olympus Trip 35 and a YashicaMat TLR. Yes, I still have these cameras, and occasionally I still take one of them out for a drive. But, the Ricoh GR1 has made itself home in my hand. With it I can create images that I want to create. I guess what I am saying is that it is important to find the piece of kit that works for you and what you want to create. Search until you find what you can push to do what you want it to do.
I read about so many photographers offering up excuses about the lens, or camera not being able to do what they had planned. Next thing they have a different camera (often a brand new camera) Have they taken the time to learn what the camera can actually do? Maybe it doesn't fit what they are trying to do. But at least use it for a couple of months... or look at what they are shooting and what they are trying to create. Most people get bored far to quickly with what they have, instead of learning to use what the have.
Hope you all had a good weekend, and best wishes for a great week ahead.

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